A Bold Symbol of Inclusion and Diversity: The New 30-Foot DryBulk Bertschi PRIDE Container

Bertschi has made visible our company’s stand on creating a culture of inclusion and diversity.
As a company, we take the responsibility to foster these values within our corporate culture, and create a workplace where all employees, partners, and customers feel welcomed without judgement or prejudice.
We have installed a symbol of these values on a fully functional 30-foot DryBulk Bertschi container, colorfully decorated in Pride colors and imagery. This container will actively be part of our intermodal supply chains within Europe. Discussions for this effort began during the global Pride month of June this year, and our goal to set a bold and concrete icon of Pride within the company was soon-after implemented.

Building an inclusive culture and diverse teams at Bertschi is an ongoing, evolving effort, and we recognize that this step merely marks how much work there is still left to do.
We look forward to further internal efforts to carry-on building a more inclusive culture at Bertschi.
The Bertschi Pride Container was revealed during the official opening event of the Bertschi Terneuzen site expansion, where valued Bertschi customers and partners from the ValuePark Terneuzen got the first glance of the container. From then on, this container will continue as part of the official Bertschi container fleet, transporting goods across Europe, and carrying this message of inclusion and diversity with it.

The Bertschi Pride Container aboard a yellow Bertschi truck in Bertschi Terneuzen.