Celebrating 10 Years of Bertschi Global - Statements from Our Global Subsidiaries

© Bertschi Group
The past 10 years have been an exciting period. Starting with a small global team spread across the globe, to today’s global setup with 200 people and a global fleet exceeding the 20,000 ISOtank mark.

“The journey has been full of challenges and bumps in the road along the way. Certainly, the last 2 years have been the most challenging period for us and for the industry, in a long time. However, we can look back at a successful 10 years and a global team spirit wherein tremendous personal commitment from all of us brought us to where we are today. The future will of course bring new challenges, but there is no doubt that we will sail through them towards another decade of excitement and success. A big thank you to all who have contributed to this journey.
I really enjoyed the past 10 years and I hope you did as well. Let us ensure that we also enjoy the next part of the journey.”
I really enjoyed the past 10 years and I hope you did as well. Let us ensure that we also enjoy the next part of the journey.”
Nils Thater
Managing Director BU Global

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“10 years... you can accomplish a lot in 10 years; for me personally the last decade was one of the most rewarding, both personally and professionally. In February/March 2012, I was entrusted by Mr Bertschi with the opportunity of establishing our US office in Houston, Texas – from my kitchen table, using only my phone and my industry contacts. I was nervous, excited and extremely eager to start a new business from scratch – an opportunity that few of us ever get. Ten years later, with 26 employees in our Houston office and an excellent image as one of the best logistics service providers in the chemicals industry, sometimes I take a look back at what we've achieved and can hardly imagine what the next 10 years have in store for us. Leadership doesn’t mean always being the best. It’s about motivating all employees to become even better.”
Eloy Ramos
Subsidiary Manager Houston, USA

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“South America is the youngest, but by no means the least important office opened by BU Global as one of the last parts of our large portfolio. Our South American office went into operation in São Paulo in November 2017 with the mission of demonstrating our quality standard to our customers around the world and meeting their regional requirements. In 2022, we and our global team are celebrating the first 10 years of BU Global and we’re extremely proud that through our activities, we've been able to play a role in planting our Bertschi flag in Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Uruguay, Chile, and Peru. We've had amazing feedback from our teams, partners and customers about our new business in South America, and are optimistic that there are still many more opportunities ahead. We know that we can always count on the entire global and regional support network in order to offer outstanding service worldwide.”
Silvia Ohara
Subsidiary Manager São Paulo, Brazil

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“It’s amazing to have been able to experience how the Global Office division in Dürrenäsch has grown by a factor of 10 in 10 years. Working hand in hand with the teams and offices in the overseas regions and under the attentive tutelage of the European parent company, a wonderful and international team has taken shape and become one of the leading overseas ISO tank operators, offering outstanding export and import services day in and day out in almost every European country. What an exciting journey it’s been when we look back on it, and how exciting it is to look forward to the future. All the best and congratulations on the first 10 years of the Bertschi Global Dürrenäsch team!”
Matthias Domedi
Subsidiary Manager Dürrenäsch, Switzerland

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“Dubai is the hub for the international chemical trade. As part of its global expansion in 2012, BU Global established its subsidiary Bertschi Dubai. This subsidiary covers business in the GCC states, the Middle East, and the Indian subcontinent, with Saudi Arabia and India being the main business markets. Over the past 10 years, Bertschi Dubai has contributed to an exponential growth in volume and the customer base, with the number of employees and their skills and capabilities growing apace. In 2020, the subsidiary’s portfolio was expanded to include the South Africa and Egypt region. Today, Bertschi Dubai has a strong identity in the Middle East and India. Bertschi Dubai is poised to continue making an important contribution in the future of BU Global.”
Remya Narayanan
Subsidiary Manager Dubai, UAE

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“When Bertschi arrived in China in 2012, the market was already quite saturated and the market among tank operators highly contested. After 10 years of building a base, Bertschi has managed to go from being an unknown provider in China to being a strong presence on the tank market in northern Asia. It’s been an arduous journey, but one with good memories and of which we are proud.”
Joleen Shi
Subsidiary Manager Shanghai, China

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“The journey since the founding of Bertschi Global Singapore 10 years ago and my 10 years with Bertschi has been very challenging but also very successful, particularly when one considers that we are now the third largest provider in the region.”
Shawn Ng
Subsidiary Manager Singapore, Singapore